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Ikatan Cendikiawan Patah Hati

One for All... All for One!

Dilbert Pearls Before Swine

Thursday, May 26

I Feel Sad Again ... Sort Of

Carrie won AI4. Bo lost.

Well, to be fair, Carrie did perform very well in that final, especially her last song. THAT was the clincher.

And both definitely deserves to be in the final.

I Feel Happy

45 minutes: Milan 3-0 Liverpool

60 minutes: Milan 3-3 Liverpool

120 minutes: Milan 3-3 Liverpool

Penalty: Milan 2-3 Liverpool


Very emotional game. Well worth staying up for B-)

I Feel Sad

I feel sad to see in this new world of internet, how easy it is for people to spread misinformation without being held responsible. I know it's been going on for a while what with all those conspiracy theorist and "help raise money to cure our son's cancer by forward this email" emails.

At least if somebody forwards you such email, you have a chance to rebuke.

But what if it's an article on the web? Yesterday I stumbled into this site while doing some search in Google:

A critique of Einstein

At first I felt angry when I read it. But after it was over, I felt more sad than angry. Sad not because somebody's criticizing Einstein, but sad by how such blatant misinformation is easily spread in this age of internet.

Imagine people who does not know better reading this article. It would be nice if everybody thinks critically, but that's wishful thinking. Especially if you consider the type of people who visits sites with religious slant such as this one. I wager most will swallow his "argument" whole.

Primacy of observation over doctrine. How I wish ... how I wish.

Tuesday, May 24

yet another hello world

maap guys kalo postingannya rada narsis... but i cant help it.. its abap :)

Thursday, May 19

worf maen film

kemarin saya main-main ke electronic city, scbd... mampir ke toko musik yang ada di lantai atasnya... iseng-iseng melihat film, dan whalah! saya melihat ini:

saya ndak masyalah dengan michael dorn main filmnya, tapi seragam starfleetnya itu lho, hehehe.. kontras bgt dg wanita dibelakang yang ndak pakai seragam.. err ndak pakai baju xDDD

revenge of the sith

plaza ex, 20:00...


mister yudha jam 6 nongkrong di studio xxi ex... dan dapet tiketnya jam 7 (appreciate that bro! hehehehe)

da ticket...

filemnya telat... 25 minutes too late...
tapi arlan bilang, "after 20 years of waiting, more 25 minutes wont matter gitu loh".. loh loh *pake eho* hehe..

and so it goes, the story ended... dan arlan claim that he has no more reason to live... star wars is his raison d'etre...

but later he said that he wish to watch the last episode of enterprise.. then baru deh keabisan reason to live.. hihihi

Tuesday, May 17

NAV Blues

Ketempat client, di Clementi, IE nya ngaco dan NAV nya corrupt.

First step: Clean spywares. Install Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware SE, SpywareBlaster, and HijackThis.

Cleaned 140 spywares, removed several IE hijacks. IE working fine but for some reason can't connect to HTTPS. Solution according to MS: reinstall SP2 ... blah, don't feel like it.

Second step: Install Firefox + FlashPlayer + JRE 1.50. Works perfectly.

Third step: Reinstall Norton AntiVirus.

Because it was bought online, no CD was provided and the original download went missing. Had to register and re-download again. I must say ... very fast internet indeed :)

Next, run the installation program. Asked wether want to do pre-install scan. Well ... doesn't hurt, does it? Clicked "Yes".

30 minutes later ... still scanning and no end in sight ... grrrrrr ... clicked "Abort Scan".

Continued installing ... yada yada yada ... dum doo dee dum ... this is a freaking slow installer ... dum deee dum ... Norton AntiVirus encountered internal error ... invalid type in XXXX.html .... ?????????

Checked symantec.com. Apparently the NAV user interface is in HTML and dependent on IE!!!!



Installed AVG.
Problem solved.

Monday, May 16

New Car Rhyme

Minumnya Coca-Cola
Makannya Nachos

Kujual Corolla
Kubeli Vios

Friday, May 13

Last 3

Go Bo!

Tuesday, May 3

beijing leftover

yes, a leftover.. an additional information leftover, actually

hereby please be kindly informed that the real colonel sanders was actually a chinese..

harap maklum :)

Monday, May 2

Desktop Music Production System

  • Sennheiser HD-600 headphone
  • Audio Analogue Puccini SE amplifier
  • ProAc Tablette 50 speakers

Wish list: